Hydraulic Hose Designers Four Simple Ways to Minimize Potentially Hazardous Situations Related to Hydraulic Hoses.
Every factory tries to prevent downtimes and security risks. Industrial hoses are a critical part of achieving these goals. Four simple ways to keep them safe and working:
Make the hose type suitable for the application.
Increased production often brings more demand and pressure to industrial hoses. In case of high demand, make sure the hose specifications are up-to-date and regularly inspected for pressure, temperature and chemical compatibility. When specifying a hose, follow the points outlined in this article to ensure that the hose type matches the intended application.
Assemble Hoses appropriately to eliminate Buckling in Hydraulic Hoses.
Even if all the right choices have been made in the correct selection of hose material and type for the given application, improper assembly and routing can cause hose failures and therefore greater risks for employees and equipment.
A common setup error is related to the incorrect hose length. If the hose is too long, it can cause accelerated wear without rubbing against itself or a machine. Conversely, if it is too short, it may cause leaks in the end connections as a result of regular operating conditions such as stretching too far to fit, thermal expansion, pressure changes, or other movements. Although the correct hose length is loose enough to accommodate port movement, it is not sufficient to allow friction, interference, or kinking.
Some other common strain sources include:
Twisting a hose or twisting it in more than one plane.
Twisting the hose beyond the recommended minimum radius.
Bending too close to the hose / fitting connection.
The hose is too short and stretches during blows.
No elbows and adapters are used to remove the hose tension on the horizontal end connections.
Proactive care. In most cases, hose errors can be estimated. All industrial hoses should be checked and replaced at regular intervals depending on the hose type and function. Operators must comply with the regular, visual hose inspections program that inspects each hose at intervals recommended by the supplier. Look for signs of wear, such as abrasions, cuts, corrosion, bends, and general deterioration during these inspections.
Individual maintenance programs depend on specific application and some hose materials wear faster than others. In any case, repetitive movements, vibrations, pressure pulses and misdirection can lead to premature wear.
Store hoses properly. Keep these tips in mind about storing hoses:
Store in clean and dry conditions at temperatures between 10 ° and 21 ° C. Protect from UV light and sunlight. Close the hose at both ends to prevent contamination. Hang the hoses so that they do not bend beyond the minimum bend radius recommended by the manufacturer. Do not stack hoses.