How is Periodic Maintenance Done in Hydraulic Systems?
The machine, which constitutes one of the main elements in maintaining the production in accordance with the programs, prevents the production flow with its maintenance at certain times and breakdowns that occur at unexpected times. As the production system grows or the amount of production increases, the importance of Periodic Maintenance activities increases. Failure of several machines in a production line consisting of hundreds of systems can affect the whole system with chain effects. Another factor that complicates the problem in automation-heavy enterprises is the lack of qualified Periodic Maintenance personnel. Especially in enterprises with complex electro-mechanical systems, it is necessary to employ qualified Periodic Maintenance personnel.
It is necessary to keep production disruption to a minimum in hydraulic periodic maintenance activities. If taking any machine into maintenance causes other machines to be idle, it means there is a loss of capacity. It is necessary to keep the rate of benefiting from the manpower that will carry out the hydraulic periodic maintenance works high. When there is uncertainty in Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance activities, it is not possible to benefit 100 percent from the limited manpower resources available. Keeping this ratio high is important in reducing the total cost of Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance activities.
Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance planning consists of two elements.
1. Repair applied to bring the machinery and equipment in the production system partially or completely inoperable for any reason.
operations. Keeping the repair time short increases the capacity utilization rate. On the other hand, care is taken not to increase the cost of repair teams.
2. Machinery and equipment are reviewed at the end of predetermined periods without waiting for malfunction and preventive maintenance is performed by replacing the necessary parts. Preventive maintenance significantly reduces production disruptions and capacity losses that occur as a result of surprise breakdowns. Despite this advantage, the early change
the cost of parts and inspection procedures increases. It should be remembered that the factor that makes calculations difficult in hydraulic periodic maintenance planning is the uncertainty in faults. Actions to be taken to maintain the production system as a whole without disruption, to carry out maintenance within a certain plan framework and to minimize unexpected failures:
1. Keeping the number and equipment of the Periodic Maintenance Team at an adequate level.
2. Putting emphasis on preventive care and making necessary comparisons.
3. To keep backup systems that can be put into use at points where malfunctions may occur in the production line.
4. The prices of systems to be used in production are high; however, to choose the types with long lifetimes and thus reduce the probability of failure.
The unit responsible for carrying out the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance activities in the enterprises should generally be Maintenance Engineering. The basic function of the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance unit; To prepare maintenance plans by cooperating with operation, maintenance and manufacturing units, to ensure that malfunctions are eliminated with the least loss of time and to manage the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance teams. The tasks covered by this function are:
1. Elimination of malfunctions and maintenance of production vehicles.
2. Repair and maintenance of the business building and auxiliary facilities.
3. Periodic inspections of machinery, equipment and facilities.
4. Placement of new machines, making changes
Performing Periodic Maintenance in the Hydraulic System
There is uncertainty in hydraulic periodic maintenance activities, especially in breakdown repairs. This uncertainty may cause production disruption and changes in plans and programs. It should be ensured that activities are carried out according to a process in order to determine the duties and responsibilities between Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance, operation and maintenance personnel. Businesses can create different processes that fit their organizational structure and needs. In these processes, maintenance is carried out according to predetermined schedules. Repairs for troubleshooting purposes can begin in two ways. These are the malfunctions determined by the worker operating the machine seeing the malfunction and announcing it to the nearest supervisor. As in every branch of scientific management, it is very important to regularly collect historical information in Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance planning. Unless this is done, even the highest scientific methods are a useful
Periodic Maintenance Activities Control in the Hydraulic System
It should be known that activity control will not give results. The information that should be available for planned Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance in an enterprise is as follows:
1. Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance records of the past.
2. Occurrence time of malfunctions.
3. Frequently changed parts of the machines and their average life.
4. Average Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance times.
5. Losses that occur as a result of machine downtime.
6. Spare parts and material prices.
7. Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance labor costs.
Keeping detailed records in Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance is important in terms of the effectiveness of material and workmanship control, which becomes difficult due to uncertainty. The basic element of the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance recording system is the cards that introduce every machine, equipment and facility available in the enterprise from code number to technical drawing, from spare parts list to supply source. These contain various and detailed information such as lubrication, periodic inspection, maintenance period. In addition to the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance work order, there are various forms developed for use in cost analysis.
These are designed in many different ways according to the needs of the enterprises. The factors and measurement criteria that play a role in the control of Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance activities can be listed as follows:
To Perform An Effective Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance;
1. Establishing an effective management structure.
2. Simple, containing all kinds of information about Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance; but establishing an adequate registration system.
3. Arrangement of the Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance budget to cover all needs.
4. Preparation of Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance program.
5. Hydraulic Periodic Maintenance manpower needs must be determined.