Predictive Maintenance Applications with Industry 4.0
PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE APPLICATIONS with Industry 4.0 The scope of service is determined as a result of the analysis made with 4 measurement parameters, mainly Alignment, Vibration, Temperature and Oil Analysis.
Service Processes; Monitoring with periodic measurements and controls whether the machine and equipment are operating under normal conditions Determining whether there is a possibility of malfunction by evaluating the obtained measurement and control results If there is such a possibility, the necessary maintenance-repair activity is planned and carried out at an appropriate time. Benefits; Machine or equipment downtime is kept very low Spare parts made simple to manage Downtime is reduced, it is easier to ensure continuity of production Maintenance and repair time is reduced Maintenance costs are reduced The percentage of efficient use of machines increases. Parameters to be Applied to Predictive Maintenance; Vibration (Vibration) Pressure Temperature Power Oil Quality Angular Speed Noise Current Leakage